Wednesday, February 22, 2012

There are bacteria that occur in hot springs ...

Bacteria minute microscopic prokaryotes. This single-celled organisms that are usually identified with specific activities greater than the total organization. Bacteria ubiquitous, occurring in all environments. They occur in water, air, soil, and in or on the bodies of living organisms. There are bacteria that occur in hot springs, and in severe cold temperatures. The average size of bacterial cells ranges from 1 mm to 10 mm in length and about 0. 7 mm to 1. 5 mm in width. The largest bacterium Beggiatoa Mirabilis. This is a few centimeters in length and 30-40 m in diameter. Bacteria are usually fairly constant type and form. However, some of them can change their shape and body size in strattera side effects accordance with environmental needs. Such bacteria are called

3 beneficial effects of bacteria

pleomorfnye. The following are the most common forms of bacteria. They have a spherical shape. They can be further divided into

staphylococcus (found in the form of letters). Rice. 8. 1 - bacteria >> << They are straight, cylindrical, rod forms of bacteria. They can be further divided into >> << These bacteria are spirally rolled like a corkscrew. They learned, C shape or form who bacteria. Most bacteria contain one to many musculoskeletal structures called flagella. Koki did not have flagella. Depending on the amount and method of attachment of flagella, bacteria can be divided into the following types:

I. hairless: bacteria without flagella. II. Trichous: they have one or more flagella. a) Monotrichous: bacteria with a flagellum at one end

Fig. 8. 2 - flagellation in bacteria

In 1884 the Danish physician Christian Gram developed a method for differential staining of bacterial cells by using two simple spots. The procedure involves staining bacteria first with a weak alkaline solution of gentian (crystal) violet. All bacterial cells stained blue with this dye. Subsequently, the cells treated with Lugol solution (iodine in potassium solution yodyda) and washed with alcohol. At this point, if the bacteria remain purple color, they are described as

gram-positive bacteria, and if they lose their purple color, they are described as

Gram-negative bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria can be subsequently painted saffranine for further research. Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria show some morphological and physiological differences between them. .

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